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Donor Development Planning
Current Plan Review
Strategy and Plan Development
Donor Experience
Donor Cultivation
Donor Engagement and Stewardship
community Involvement & Support
Community Engagement
Corporate Partnership Development
a word about Donor development...
it needs to be woven into the very
fabric Of everything you do...
It's a statement that can't begin to convey the absoluteness of its truth: Your organization simply could not do its work and make the difference it does without the support of your donors and funders -- from individuals, to foundations and corporations, to the volunteers who donate the most precious of gifts -- their time and talent -- your organization stands on their shoulders.
Fundraising that has at its heart inspiring people to believe they can make a difference, and then helping them to make it, is transformational on multiple levels. We help you build a culture of philanthropy that kindles passion, inspires giving, and creates deep personal meaning and purpose for your donors.
We work with you to clarify your fundraising philosophy, develop a fundraising values statement, strategy, and action plan, and design integrated organizational processes to ensure that donors and funders consistently have positive experiences with your organization and know the real-world impact their gifts make.
”Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed,
it’s the only thing
that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead, American Cultural Anthropologist”