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leadership development services
Executive Coaching
Emerging Leader Coaching
Succession Planning and Executive Transition Management
A Word about leadership as relationship (not position)...
Leaders must be able to clearly and compellingly articulate their vision for the future and rely upon their emotional intelligence to influence and motivate their team and others and overcome organizational resistances.
People respond and decide how to act based primarily on how they are made to feel, and not necessarily what they are told to do, or even what they know they need to do. People feel heard, understood, respected, and valued when leaders have a sincere interest in listening with intention and demonstrate respect, empathy, and cultural humility. As a leader, you have powerful influence on motivation and performance and the opportunity to empower everyone in the organization to lead themselves from within.
It's not easy to be both the driver of change and a co-passenger with your team on the way to your desired destination. Openness to whatever leadership blind spots you may have and a willingness to learn and apply new skills in the living laboratory of your organization - in real life, in real time - is what it means to be "coachable" and it's essential for accelerating the growth necessary to move from being a good and effective leader to a great and transformational leader.
One of the most important tenants of being a great leader is to proactively develop others to be great leaders. We help you deepen your partnership with your direct reports and ensure they are being developed for increasing responsibility.
We'll help you work closely with your board to align, engage, and equip them to effectively apply their expertise and leverage their social capital to help move your organization forward.
When a leader gets better, everyone wins.
Team effectiveness services
Executive Director - Direct Report Partnership Effectiveness
Executive Director - Board Partnership Effectiveness
“...”Genuine leadership must give people
a long-term vision that imbues their lives with meaning;
it must point them in a new direction and show how their
every action is part of an indispensable,purposeful whole.”
— Rabbi “Rebee” Meahem Mendale Schneerson
World-renown faith and social justice leader ”